Mobile responsive website design special,
Domain set-up. Multiple pages mobile responsive website design Content review and enhancement including advertising content. Four 30 minute consultations. Basic logo design, if not provided by the client, Metadata for search engine optimization on all pages, images, videos, and blogs. SEO, backlinking through Google+ w/ maps integration. Connection of all social media websites including social media website reviews and consulting. Blog set-up. Email account set-up. Shopping cart set-up and seamless merchant account or PAYPAL integration, up to 20 product SKU's additional product SKU's $20 (per SKU). Seamless Ebay integration.
Monthly hosting fees not included. Starting at $11.99 a month.
Add a new look to your brand! Jaw dropping design,
Exciting and explosive content and ad copy.
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10,000 meter proximity! Where ever you go!
This offer is only available for a short period
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Peter Mazzola (702) 290-2972 Pacific time 9am to 7pm
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